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My name is Kate 

I started exploring the depths of spirituality when I was 19 after attending a meditation class. During this class, I discovered that I could connect with higher energies and communicate with spiritual beings. However, I needed support to help me control this ability, so I embarked on a 20-year-long healing journey.

During this journey, I had the opportunity to work with many spiritual coaches and take various energy healing courses. I studied psychology and counselling, hypnotherapy, breathwork, and mental health. During my healing journey, I had the opportunity to work with shamans who used plant medicines and participated in numerous ceremonies and breathwork sessions.


Although I value everything I have learned, the most profound teachings have always come from my students and clients. Working with people one-on-one is a blessing. It's an experience where I move into a channelled state and receive guidance for my clients. This guidance is so pure and full of love that it often brings me to tears. I have seen countless people's lives transform in unimaginable ways. I have held them in their pain and watched them grow through inner turmoil. I have seen people recreate who they are completely simply by getting to know themselves in a more profound and spiritual way.


The energy realms should not be taken lightly, as corrupted energy coupled with harmful mind programs can cause serious harm to one's life. That's why I am here to assist people in identifying the root of energetic blocks and helping them to overcome them. As a shamanic healer and energy awareness coach, I have developed an ability to identify the potential in others, and I am eager to help them recognize it as well.


My approach is holistic, encompassing the spiritual, mental, energetic, emotional, and physical aspects of a person's being. Every aspect is important. When you choose to work with me, you will not only be connecting with me, but also with a team of spiritual guides, ancestors, and your higher self. Together, we collaborate to create magic and transform your life."


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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