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The Reconnection Journey

"This portal supports your healing journey, wherever you are. Choose to start from the beginning or where it feels right. Listen to your body and follow what resonates with you. If you need guidance, start from the beginning. 


With love, 

I am...

The Reconnection Journey Portal

If you would like to listen to this transcript it is available above. 

I AM...

What comes after these words is creating your reality. Be mindful.


We are slowly awakening to the immense power we have.


As science meets spirituality, more eyes are turning to the power of the human spirit. The mind is being challenged. When once we believed that the brain could not be changed, we now know that is not true. Rewiring the brain is our superpower. Increasing our energetic perceptions is our birthright. 


We are incredible beings with access to more light than we have allowed ourselves or have been allowed to believe. The CHRIST consciousness returns. 


We are moving towards an enlightened era. The journey is intense and exciting. And yes, it will challenge you as it brings up the darkest parts of you to be seen, felt, and loved. 


Who AM I? Faintly echoes in the hearts of the awakening soul.


What is my PURPOSE here? The heart yearns for an answer, yet the answers often remain hidden. The frustration builds. 


WHY? Why am I going through all this PAIN, Anger and resentment? Many pained souls can barely get through one day, let alone a lifetime. 


The guide who has been through it before you says, IT IS YOU. All of it is YOU.

Only YOU can walk through this fire.


The angered heart does not wish to hear this. They want it to be over. STOP torturing me, it says. I did not wish this on my life. And yet the LIFE remains as it is. The pain does not subside. 


Sadly, it is true that many of you did not consciously choose the pain you were born into; many parents were so broken that they have all but destroyed the spirits of their children, many of these children have become my clients.


Does this anger me? Yes, greatly. I am deeply saddened by the pain some beautiful souls must endure. I am deeply sorry that the world is so unforgivable at times.


But I also know that we cannot change the past. All we can do is process its pain so that it is integrated and transformed. I know facing it again can be daunting, and I understand that it is deeply challenging for some.


And yet, processing and healing the pain so that it can be transmuted and stopped being passed down through the bloodline is the most powerful thing you will ever do for yourself. and for your future self. 


Your healing today directly affects seven generations into the future and in the past. Think about that for a moment. Seven generations forward and backward.


What you do today affects all parts of the whole. 


Your courage to enter the fire changes the vibration of the human race—one ripple at a time. So, understandably, this is not always going to be easy.


But is easy really why we came here?


This is one moment for the soul—one moment that may be too hard to hold alone. And that is why I am here to be of service. To help carry through the pain, to help you transmute the heaviness, and hopefully feel freedom, perhaps for the first time. 


You may feel broken today, but I see your light. And I will do everything in my power to help you to not only see it, but to feel it too. 


My name is Kate; I am a shamanic healer, a mentor and a spiritual guide for those who have come to a point in their lives when they need help letting go and rising up!


I have developed a reconnection journey to assist souls in returning to the essence of who they truly desire to be. 


My approach is gentle, grounded, expansive and honest. 


There are many layers to this journey, and each of us are requiring different things to open or heal and so, I open to you The Reconnection Journey Portal.


One that has many doors to walk through.


Choose your level and take the first step towards your healing. 


I am ... is here for you.


They have been waiting for you to choose you.


They have been waiting for you to step towards them so that they can help set you free. 






Book an Appointment

Book a complimentary consultation to see how I can support you. 

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