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Yoga in Bamboo House

Discover Your Inner Self

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Kate - founder of Beyond the Breath, is a leading-edge spiritual awakening coach, 

who helps soul seekers, innovative thought leaders, and broken hearts return to their inner wells of healing and guidance for a total energy reset.


Here, clients reconnect with their soul truth, awaken dormant spiritual gifts, activate energy, heal trauma from the past and call in their BIG dreams.


I work with people who are ready for change, who may have come to a pause in their lives and need assistance to make a smooth redirection and who need help letting go of the past so they can step into new feelings of freedom and excitement for life. 


If you want more freedom within your body, mind and soul and are ready to release the old stories and triggers that seem to keep you stuck in a negative spiral, it may be time to move 'Beyond The Breath'.  


Enjoy reading through my offers, and please take a moment to try the complimentary 'Introduction to Core Clearing and Energy Healing process' below. 

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My name is Kate Stephanie 

I am a quantum healing energy healer and personal spiritual healing consultant. I assist clients in healing trauma, awakening potential, and feeling safe in their bodies.

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How you can work with me

The moment I walked into my first Breathe session Kate welcomed me with open arms. Her loving presence imbued a sense of calm and serenity. I knew I was safe and supported in this unknown space and no matter what, I intuitively knew this was going to be a life changing experience. Breathing has taken on a whole new meaning and has had a profound impact in my life and the life within me. This transformational healing modality that is readily available to all is an incredible gift, as is Kate.

Caroline, Byron Bay

@Align By Caroline


The Mission

Beyond the Breath's mission is to help you reconnect with your true essence and unleash your powerful life force. We aim to assist you in letting go of past traumas and stories that may be causing you or your loved ones pain. Have you ever wondered why you exhibit certain behaviours?


During the first seven years of life, you are like a little sponge, absorbing all the energy and information around you. Your family, culture, religion, and society shape your thoughts, actions, and even emotions, eventually leading to the person you are today.


How did that work out for you?


If those stories and experiences were damaging, debilitating, and not conducive to a well-rounded, confident individual, you are certainly not alone. Many of my clients suffer because well-intentioned parents lack the tools to understand the impact of their words and actions.


But hey, "It's in the past. Why worry about it now?"


Unfortunately, the negative energy from your past is still present within you. This energy has become stagnant and weakened, causing various harmful effects on your mind, heart, and body.


In the past, people may have spent years in therapy to address certain issues and whilst therapy still has its place, I've witnessed that working with the breath and conscious energy awareness can result in quicker changes in our emotional state.


While we work on addressing your hidden and suppressed emotions, we will provide you with the freedom to redesign your life in a way more aligned with the person you are becoming instead of who you used to be. As we collaborate, we will help you discover your true potential and awaken your inner light. Spirit is prepared to assist you; all we need to do is open the door.



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